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Frequently Asked Questions

To learn more about our organization, please read through the FAQs below.

Are the Nlaka’pamux Nation Tribal Council (NNTC) and Fraser Thompson Indian Services Society (FTISS) the same thing?

NNTC and FTISS are not the same thing. The two organizations have different functions. FTISS is a provincial society that was formed to meet funding requirements that the recipient be a legal entity such as a society or company. NNTC is an Nlaka’pamux organization recognized by the membership, with rules set by the membership. FTISS deals with funded programs, while NNTC is a governing body that protects and advances Nlaka’pamux title and rights.

Who are the NNTC member communities?

The member communities of NNTC are Lytton (Chief Niakia Hanna), Skuppah (Chief Doug McIntyre), Boothroyd (Chief Mike Campbell), Snepa and Ntequem (Chief Matt Pasco). Members of these communities are members of NNTC. NNTC membership is Nlaka’pamux based not band based. For administrative ease, NNTC may refer to membership based on band affiliation and representation. This does not equate to bands or band members being the holder of title and rights. Title and rights are held by members of the Nlaka’pamux Nation.

What is the difference between Bands and Nlaka’pamux communities?

Bands are a creation of the Indian Act. They were created as a tool of divide and conquer. Their authority derives from the Indian Act. Nlaka’pamux communities are part of the Nlaka’pamux Nation. The members of the Nation hold Nlaka’pamux title and rights. Nlaka’pamux rights include the inherent right to jurisdiction – that is to be self-governing.

How is the Chair of NNTC selected?

The Chair of the NNTC is selected by the NNTC Chiefs. The term of the Chair is on-going. The Chiefs may appoint a new Chair through consensus decision making.

How does NNTC make decisions?

NNTC is controlled by the membership. Chiefs of the member communities determine the direction and policies of the NNTC. Chiefs receive direction from community members and the advice of the Elders. Bi-weekly meetings are held to discuss issues and make decisions. The policies and directions are implemented by NNTC staff. Decision-making is by consensus to the greatest degree possible and when required, by majority vote. Decision-making is done in a disciplined and principled manner.

Principles of decision-making include:

  • Decision-making is based on the exercise of Nlaka’pamux jurisdiction
  • Decision-making is consent-based
  • Hold the Crown accountable
  • Reject generic approaches to resolution
  • Follow the Nlaka’pamux Natural Resource Resolution, including acting in the best interest of the Nlaka’pamux and recognizing the collective nature of Nlaka’pamux title and rights
  • Act in a principled and disciplined manner
  • Provide predictability not certainty
  • Create partnerships grounded in recognition
  • Accept that no settlement is better than a settlement that compromises title, rights and the best interests of the Nlaka’pamux

What is the benefit of belonging to NNTC?

NNTC has a long record of protecting and advancing Nlaka’pamux title and rights. NNTC provides support to membership and advances collective interests. NNTC has the respect of other Indigenous Nations as well as governments, and third parties. NNTC is on the forefront of the recognition of title, including the economic component of title and the exercise of jurisdiction.

Who has access to audits/financial information?

Strict financial records are kept, with audits being conducted annually for NNTC and its associated entities. The Chiefs of NNTC approve the audits and receive copies to share with the membership. In addition, annual reports will be made available on the NNTC website.

What happens to money received by NNTC or FTISS?

Money received by NNTC and FTISS is handled according to the terms of the funding agreements. When the use of the funds is at the discretion of NNTC, the Chiefs collectively determine how the funds will be used and/or distributed. Immediate needs and long-term objectives are both considered in all fiscal decisions.

Who does NNTC receive funding from?

NNTC receives funds based on negotiations of agreements including capacity funding to allow NNTC to continue to protect and advance title and rights. These agreements are with those who seek to have a relationship with the Nlaka’pamux and work within the Nlaka’pamux Nation including government and third parties. FTISS receives funding for programs from the different programs.

Logo Description

The NNTC logo was created in co-operation with Chris Arnott, whose passion for rock paintings led him to the Nlaka’pamux Nation and his PhD. Click the PDF link below to read Chris’s detailed explanation of the logo, which symbolizes the borders of the Nlaka’pamux Nation.